Reviews: Fiskars 7861 Axe and Knife Sharpener
This is a very basic but extremely well functioning axe sharpener.
To address one common complaint: Yes, it cuts the plastic to either side of the "cutting" wheel. So what? The plastic will groove over time and it will stop doing that.
When I first took my Fiskar's to it, I had recently completed chopping about 1 cord of hardwood (axe, ironwood, maple). The blade had numerous dents in its edge and was fairly beat up, though still sharp overall.
After about 20 passes (1-2 minutes) back and forth through this sharpener, the edge had no dent and appeared quite sharp. Cut very well.
This may not make the best knife sharpener or be suitable for things with a bigger wedge before the edge, but it's a great sharpener for the fiskars axe!
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